Den här har legat halvfärdig och skräpat i en hel evighet. :) Jag har alldeles för många såna.... men nu har jag en mindre! :)
This layout has been lying around for ages... I'm very good at starting things, not quite as good as finishing them as it seems. :)
Postat av: Lina
vilket läckert och lite annorlunda upplägg av layouten, kanonsnygg som vanligt Anna! Du inspirerar massor
Postat av: carina
Postat av: sannaf
Helt fantastiskt underbar! Såååå inspirerande!!!!
Postat av: Sharon Ong
I really love how you finished this layout - those little pink pearls are perfect - you have such a unique way of using them! Enjoy the last week of holidays with the kids! (actually, for me, towards the end of holidays, I was looking forward to them going back to school!)
Postat av: Zarah
Guuuuud så snyyyyyygg!!!