Cardalicious no. 36
Check out the new challenge over at Cardalicious - create a card using the colors yellow, pink and teal.
Here is my card:

I can't belive how fast the weeks are flying by...! We have lots of fun plans this upcoming weekend and I think it's a good thing I'll have 4 days off next weekend, because then it's only one week left before Alva is turning 4 and we'll be very busy again! :)
And there are only a few weeks left of school...! Wow. This first school year has been very exciting and next year it's time for "real" school. First grade. Wow again! I can hardly believe it!
I'm looking forward to our summer vacation. I'll hopefully be able to take 7 whole weeks off and it'll be sooo nice getting to spend a lot of time together and have plenty of fun! But first... 2 more months of work. :)
Postat av: Anna
Hej hej!
Kikar in här titt som tätt under flera år? känns det som. Nåja, ville igentiligen bara säga att jag tycker du är grymt kreativ. Allt du gör blir så snyggt. Hur hinner du skapa så mkt som du gör med barn i huset. Själv hinner jag inte ens gå på dass pga min lilla ;)
Gillar din blogg, du är bra.
Mvh anna.